MedDream DICOM viewer

Free online veterinary knowledge exchange portal – VET DICOM Library

VET DICOM Library is free online veterinary images or video files sharing and anonymizing service for educational and scientific purposes. The main idea of this library is to create and develop brand new innovative tool for veterinary specialists to analyze and manipulate veterinary data and share anonymized studies among colleagues or even get professionals’ second opinion from all over the world. Unique veterinary knowledge exchange portal is launched in collaboration of Klever & Matenaers company in 2018.

VET DICOM Library is intended for veterinary professionals, such as radiologists, cardiologists, and other specialists, as well as for veterinary professors and students, who are working with studies in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format, i. e. DICOM files, DICOM images, signals, videos and similar data. Users have a possibility to share anonymized DICOM images online with their colleagues quickly.

VET DICOM Library allows the users to upload, view and share anonymized DICOM files easily, as well as to delete them from the library. The users may review uploaded study through the web based HTML5 zero-footprint DICOM viewer – MedDream VET. MedDream VET DICOM Viewer is used for review purposes or even primary diagnosis. MedDream VET DICOM Viewer has a rich tool set, which includes regular tools such as zoom, pan, windowing, magnifier, measuring and advanced tools for radiology, cardiology, ophthalmology and other fields. MedDream VET ensures prompt and reliable way to view and analyze medical images, signals and video files on various devices: computers, smart phones, tablets, etc.

All DICOM files are anonymized before they are uploaded into the library, therefore, no personal information about the owner or the vet is revealed. Moreover, the users can use the provided VET DICOM Library's links of the anonymized DICOM studies, share them with other colleagues for asking an advice or second opinion for diagnosis or simply download them. What is more, the user may share the link with the study in forums, social networks or just send them by e-mail. This possibility creates prompt online communication between veterinary professionals.

This project contributes to better studies’ understanding and communication between specialists in veterinary, educational and scientific areas.

As VET DICOM Library is very popular, there are development and extension plans made for the nearest future: creating Database of Medical Images, implementing the classification of medical images via illness code, diagnosis, study type, part of a body etc., developing doctor to doctor collaboration and patient to doctor second opinion features.

For more information about us and VET DICOM Library system or any request - please contact us: info@dicomlibrary.vet or via Contacts

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